
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

Happy Knitting Day!

rainbow stripey blanket in progress again

So today was spent as every 4th of July is at my house — at the Whitehall Pool and Tennis Club, enjoying a fun picnic and great company. As per usual for me, my time at the pool was spent with much knitting! I know I’ve said it about a thousand times, but I am getting so bored with this project! My intentions are honorable and I will keep going, as this is a baby blankie for a dear friend who is expecting her first. I’m even growing sick of the rainbow colorway, but I keep my energy up because people keep coming up to me at the pool and telling me how pretty it is. Sometimes I choose to believe them, and sometimes I just nod and smile, knowing full well that they can notice this blindingly bright blanket in progress from hundreds of yards away! I do hope that my friend will like it in the end, even though I am growing increasingly doubtful that the project will be done before the baby gets here.

Now Playing on an iPod Near Me…

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Audiobook CD cover

So while I’m knitting at the pool, I’m listening to the audio version of “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.” I am quite ashamed to admit this, but when I picked up knitting about 4 years ago, I all but stopped reading. (Except for knitting books!) Prior to being a knitter I was an avid reader and I especially loved the Harry Potter series. But here I am, two years after the release of this book, and only weeks away from the release of the ultimate chapter in the series, and I still had not read the book in its entirety. Egad, how awful this was, especially given that my husband arranged for Amazon to deliver it on the very day it was released. I am truly ashamed.

But, I must admit… a year ago I purchased the Audio CD version. I had heard that the books were very well “performed” by Jim Dale, and wow! What a treat for the ears this is! I wish I had listened to it long ago. If you’re a knitter AND a Harry Potter fan, these Audiobooks are the way to go! They are pricey, but I am also tempted to get the one for “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” since the movie is coming out soon. I need to refresh my memory a bit!

Anyway, that’s my update for now. Exciting, eh? We’re expecting severe summer storms so I’d better log off for now. Hope all in the US are enjoying the 4th!

3 responses to “Happy Knitting Day!”

  1. karin Avatar

    Your blog looks great over here!! And so does the baby blanket!
    Cheering you on from over here.

  2. karin Avatar

    Ok let me try for better English. Lack of caffeine this morning.
    I like the way your blog looks at this site. Great job moving it, I cannot conceive of doing such a thing (not yet anyway…).
    The baby blanket is coming along very nicely. It looks so cheerful!
    All the Best, I hope you’ll finish it in time.

  3. Bobbi Avatar

    Trish, thanks for the reminder!!!!! I had bought the book when it came out too, and couldn’t find it and wasn’t feelling any pressure, until I realized that not only is there going to be another movie out, but the last of the books. I get mine in hardbound, and you know how big those are. So, how could I misplace it? In my knitting room, there are two bookcases and they aren’t stacked normally anymore, they are STACKED and packed. I guess I could go to the library……so you are in good stead we are at the point of being behind.

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