…and a lot of other stuff, too!
Ok, so I know that it’s rare to find me here, blogging. Why am I in a blogging slump, and why have I been staying away? I think I’ve been extra stressed lately, and I haven’t just wanted to use the blog as a dumping ground for all that’s bugging me. This is, after all,…
Yesterday, I was excited to receive a box full of new yarns from Knit Picks! When Stroll Tonals became available last week, I had to order some! Now, I know y’all have heard me say that I am NOT a sock knitter. But, how could I not love this yarn? For me, it’s all about…
I’m always finding myself explaining to my daughter why she really needs all that math they teach her at school. Well, kid, here’s an example! It seems I have a problem making hats that fit me just right. I’m all about the guessing, and usually they wind up too big or too small. Well, duh.…
I presented the baby sweater to Lindsey on Sunday at the pool. I think she liked it! I’m proud of myself. Can you believe she’s 8 months pregnant? Only one month to go, and she already has an actual completed object, from me. I didn’t really think I could do it! But I guess I…
Finished blocking the sweater, and it’s all ready to go to its new owner. Here ’tis: Squee!
I’ll be sure to get photos tomorrow when it’s done for real, but look: I finished the second sleeve while at family night at the pool tonight. So, while Diana was busy belly flopping and Steven was bouncing to the moon, there I was, under the floodlight where the light was good, knitting away. Shower’s…