There’s a new knitting community for folks who enjoy the Magic Loop method of circular knitting. The group is called magic-loop and it’s being hosted on Yahoo. There was another group of a similar name, but the owner has gone AWOL and the current moderator is having a really hard time managing the group without being able to change any settings while she is away or whatever.
I absolutely love the magic loop technique. I use it for all of my circular knitting projects, which to date have been mostly hats. Someday I will attempt socks but haven’t done it yet. Maybe later this year…
Yarn Harlot Books Now on iTunes!
Guess what I found last night?? Stephanie Pearl-McPhee now has two books on iTunes!! Stephanie Pearl McPhee Casts Off, and At Knits End: Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much. I bought them both!! Finally they have a couple of knitting books on iTunes. It’ll be great for listening to by the pool once I’m done with Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Love it!
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