…and a lot of other stuff, too!
And so it begins… the 2010 Holiday Crunch. Before it gets too crazy, or too weird, or too insane to enjoy it all, I’d like to take you back. Back to a time when for me, and my family? It was about enjoying the season for what it was. A time of peace, joy, and…
On Friday my daughter’s school Wind Ensemble participated in the Dixie Classic Music Festival at Hanover High School in Mechanicsville, VA. I am proud to say that they achieved a Superior Rating. Below are videos of the performance, for your enjoyment (and my bragging!). Thanks for having a look. Our daughter plays flute and piccolo,…
This week is Spring Break for my kids. They’ve had fun, and they’ve had their share of squabbles. And come Monday, it’ll all be over, and back to normal routines of school, homework, and more reasonable bedtimes. Luckily, my son is rarely bored. We’re constantly after him to keep his Legos picked up, and most…
At the risk of sounding mushy, I’m going to tell you that 14 years ago tonight, almost to the very moment of this writing, I became a mother. That moment, at the sound of her first cry, on what was a snowy night in March, was so much more than the realization of a lifelong…
Ok, I’ll ‘fess up. I missed my Christmas knitting deadline. Thank goodness it wasn’t a gift, but I was hoping to be able to wear my funky elf hat in Christmas morning photos. The same thing happened to me the last time I knit this pattern. I should know that starting this pattern in November…
Christmas is coming, The goose is getting fat. Please put a penny in the old man’s hat. If you haven’t got a penny then a ha’ penny will do… (Well, you know the rest…) This is the time of year when I just get crazy. So much to do! So little time! Christmas comes on…