…and a lot of other stuff, too!
That’s what our daughter used to call it, “McMorial Day.” This was probably when she was about three years old, and it’s one of those phrases that has a permanent place in our family lexicon. And it was a good weekend, too! Busy, but really, unusually wonderful. After the Stitch n Pitch on Saturday night,…
Not much happening today; just another lazy Sunday. Didn’t get much knitting done and haven’t finished photo editing from knit group yesterday. So, I leave you with these two clips of family moments of the week. This first one is what happens when you let the cat’s water bowl run dry; she’s not shy about…
The Night You Were Born On the night you were born The moon looked down Like diamonds on a blanket of deep velvet blue. The stars were singing an ode to joy And the snow crunched like clanging bells. On the night you were born The hands of angels Lifted you apart from me And…
Yay! I got my wish! The kids got their snow day today. They didn’t waste any time, either; they were out shoveling and frolicking in it before I ever even came out of the shower this morning. I don’t know whose idea it was to build a snow ramp for their sleds, but they talked…
Today was a good day. Her Highness the Tween was the only girl in her class invited to participate in a regional math competition at the University of Maryland. She and DH skipped ice skating lessons today and headed out early, which meant I got to spend the morning with BoyZilla. He was being wonderful…
Today Diana went on her school’s annual ski trip at Whitetail Ski Resort. Here are a few scenes from the day: For some reason that I can’t explain, Diana didn’t want to go on the ski trip this year. But, we convinced her to go anyway, and it turns out she had a great time,…