
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

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Knitting Ruts and Why We Love Them

It’s true; I am a slave to my knitting habits. This week I realized in horror that one of my best friends, who I have not seen in FOUR years, will be in town for a visit in just two weeks. And I’ve wanted to do something special. But what?

Then I realized I had a ball of Socks that Rock in the Hot Flash colorway sitting on my ball winder. (OMG is this a discontinued color? If so, WHY oh why did I not pick up the skein that I saw in a bin at MSW??? Kicking self, now!) Fate stepped in. You see, my friend loves Hello Kitty so much that she even has a Hello Kitty tattoo on her leg. And the Hot Flash yarn is, well, Hello Kitty pink and red. What could be more perfect?

beginnings of hot pink scarf
beginnings of hot pink scarf

So I grabbed my copies of my red and blue Barbara Walker books, and began to look for a lacy pattern that would fit the bill for this yarn. In the end, I didn’t choose a lace pattern. I chose Twin Rib. The thing is? I always choose Twin Rib. But why? Well, it’s easy, albeit a little boring, and it does make a lovely fabric. In this case, I am knitting the mediumweight yarn on a size 7 needle, which for me, with my loosey-goosey knitting, makes a very loose, drapey fabric. Other times I’ve knit it much tighter, to make a very dense, warm scarf. But it’s almost summer now, and the yarn is shockingly pink. Loose, drapey and fun seemed the right thing to do.

I wish at times that I would branch out more. I have all of the world of knitting in front of me, and I tend to go back to the same, simple patterns, over and over. Why is that?

If there’s time, I’ll knit a red, Hello Kitty-shaped bow and sew it to the scarf, just for added cuteness. I doubt there will be time. But I can dream.

So, this whole thing has got me thinking. Am I the only one who is a slave to my knitting ruts? What are yours? Please let me know I’m not alone. Drop me a line and tell me all about them. I know you must have them. Please tell me that we all do.

Meanwhile, wish me luck in my quest to finish a whole scarf in the next 10 days. Sleep? Who needs it? Gotta Knit! Ciao for now…

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2 responses to “Knitting Ruts and Why We Love Them”

  1. Jen Avatar

    I don’t think I’ve got a rut…yet. But that just because I’m too new to have worn a rut into my knitting. I’m a creature of habit, so it’s only a matter of time!

  2. victoria g Avatar

    Ha! I love the Yarnaholic Daily Report! Too cute!

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