…and a lot of other stuff, too!
Looks better, doesn’t it? Last night when I posted about my unhappiness with my sock toe, it generated more comments and feedback than I have ever received in the blog comments. Thank you all for your advice and support! Most of you suggested that I should frog the sock and start over. I hate frogging.…
I’ve started a pair of socks. Ok, now that you’ve recovered from that bit of shocking news, let me tell you about my sock knitting experience so far. If I’m gonna knit socks, they’re probably going to be a big ol’ pile of the craziest socks you could imagine. But I didn’t quite know what…
After last week’s fiasco with my cabled baby sweater, I decided to put it down for a few days. So I re-cast on my toe up sock on Sunday, and look how far I’ve gotten already! I’ve decided that I don’t like knitting on size zero needles. I’m going to have to try my next…
Just a Monday night at Trish’s place. I’m tired tonight, so we all had something simple for dinner, then I sat down to do some knitting… and then blog about it! I frogged my purple sock last week, and restarted it on size 0 needles. This time, on smaller needles, 56 stitches around seems to…
I came to a sad realization last night. My lowly little sock, at even only 56 stitches around, is still too loose for my foot. I think the fabric needs to be firmer, too. So I’m going to frog and try again, this time with the dreaded size 0 needles that I had been oh…
Today I had an unexpected day off, caring for a sick, toothless 6-year-old, who, it turns out, has the strep buggers. So we had a Spongebob marathon, and watched Cars, I got some progress done on my purple sock. Not enough to show you though, so I thought I would talk tonight about my baby…