I can’t believe that summer is almost over. I’ve been busy, but doing what? I don’t know. I’ve been making time for knitting every day, though, and my mystery project is coming right along:

I hadn’t decided how to do the color changes until I actually got to them. But, rather than continuing right along with the cable and double moss stitch pattern, I put in a “transition band” of reverse stockinettte with the chocolate color, and then am continuing with the blue. Then before I go back to the cream again I will put in another band of chocolate. Then at the moment I am thinking of an applied garter stitch edge or maybe an i-cord edge. Something simple, not lacy, given that I want the attention to be focused on the stitching in the main bands. I feel like I’ve made lots of progress while at the same time I have miles to go!
I can’t believe it’s the middle of August already and that summer is almost over. By now usually I’d have been to the pool lots and have been caught up on listening to podcasts and done lots of knitting by the picnic tables. But not this year. We’ve had a ridiculous, relentless heatwave all summer that has made us not want to spend much time outside. Every week we were sure that it would be over the next week, but it just went on and on, and now here we are. I feel like I have lots of summer to make up for in just a week! The kids go back to school on the 23rd and 25th this year. I know we started going back to school before Labor Day even back when I was in school, but I never thought it was right and I still don’t. It’s still summer, dangit, and I’m not ready for it to be done.
Thankfully, today is a nice day and so we’re meeting family at the pool for the afternoon. I’ve got my knitting ready, and some trashy romance novels on my Kindle. It’s going to be a good day.
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