Dear Blog,
I’m sorry if it seems I’ve been ignoring you lately. But you know? Sometimes it’s hard to know what to say.
You know I love you, right? It’s just that lately I’m having a hard time making steady progress on anything at all, and instead, my brain is on one of those crazy junkets where I’ve got a million ideas happening at once, which leads to lots of new projects getting started, but making real progress on nothing at all.
So, despite the new fair isle hat, and the new Noro hat, and the pink scarf that’s still screaming for attention from the bottom of my bag, now there’s this:

It’s the Lady Eleanor Entrelac Stole from Scarf Style, a brilliant little book edited by Pam Allen a few years ago. I think nearly every knitter I know owns this book. I’ve been drooling over nearly every pattern in it for years, but, as per usual, I’ve never made anything from it. But you already know this about me, Blog. You know that I have scads of knitting books here, and that I continue to buy more, even though I don’t knit from them. Mostly. I will, however, say that knitting books give me lots of creative inspiration. So that makes them worth it. Right?
What I don’t understand, Blog, is why my knitting is making me so antsy lately. Why I can’t just stick to something and get it done. Why I can be so excited at the thought of so many knitting projects, and dreading starting them, all at once. And finishing a project? What’s that? We both know it’s something I rarely do.
(For the curious reader, I’m making my stole out of Silk Garden Chunky that I picked up at Stitches East last fall. I am making it with lots fewer repeats than the pattern calls for because the original yarn isn’t so thick. Plus, I’m finding that I don’t think the 10 skeins will go as far as I wish the would. So, I’m getting a good-sized scarf plus, if I’m lucky, a matching hat out of it. We’ll see.)
Could it be the weather? It’s been unseasonably chilly and gray here for the last couple of weeks. The kind of weather that makes me want to curl up under a blanket and sip cocoa and do nothing but knit all day. Which, since we’re talking about knitting, might seem like a good thing, except that in reality I don’t have time to hide under a blanket. Work is insanely busy, it’s middle school soccer season, it’s high school application time, and so on, and so on…. With the grayness of the sky I have not wanted to keep up with all of these other things. I’d really just rather knit, and sleep. Or sleep and knit. And the fact that I can’t have a life full of such self-indulgent luxuries? Would I be complaining if I said sometimes this just pisses me off?
So, I’d like to find joy in what knitting time I have. I’d like to finish something once in awhile, so I have something to show for my knitting time. Are you with me, Blog?
Great! Let’s kick this slump. Show it the door. Knitting is supposed to be fun! Now I just need to figure out what that is again.
Thanks for being here, Blog. It’s great to have someone to talk to.
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