Call me nuts, but there was a HUGE honkin’ box from Knit Picks on my porch today, and THIS is what was inside:

That’s what 72 balls of yarn looks like, people. SEVENTY-TWO. Am I crazy? Waaaaaait. Don’t answer that.
Knit Picks introduced a bunch of new colors in their Palette line, and what can I say? I’m a sucker for having lots of yarn in many colors. The thing is, when I nonchalantly clicked to order two balls of nearly every new color, I had NO IDEA, and I really mean that, NO IDEA how much yarn I was actually buying.
My name is Trish D. and I am a yarnaholic.
Except I don’t want to be cured.
Squee! This winter I AM going to learn how to do colorwork. I want to make tams. And selbuvotter mittens. And lots of other colorful things. Now I have a whole crayon box full of colors to play with.
Did I NEED more yarn?
Define need.
I’m gonna go roll in it a while before I go to sleep.
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