I got a little surprise today! Knitty.com, in this issue’s Yosemite pattern, linked back to my tutorial on Magic Loop. How cool is that?? Many thanks to the pattern author.
Unfortunately, the way I found out about it was that one of those knitting spam sites had confiscated the contents of this issue of Knitty, which then caused a pingback notice to me. This particular site was in French, except for the content that was cut and pasted from Knitty. Guess I’ll be notifying the editors so they can take appropriate action.
Of course, I hadn’t checked my Magic Loop Page since before updating my layout a couple weeks ago, and some of the images were too large to fit properly, so I went quick and resized them. Hopefully all should be ok now.
No news this week on the blanket, really. Still knitting away. Happy Easter to all who celebrate!
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