I just got back from a fabulous vacation to Walt Disney World. I had been in line, like a doting mother, taking a photo of Diana with Mr. and Mrs. Incredible, when the Mr. motioned for me to come over for a photo. Their “handler” chick had been admiring my yarn while we were waiting in line, and as I went up for the photo, she mentioned to Mr. Incredible that I was knitting a scarf! So there he was, guy with big plastic head, trying to look really impressed through his immovable face. Kinda reminded me of the reactions I get when I show my knitting to most of the real people I know! Muggles! All of them. Sigh.
While on vacation I did get a lot done on my rainbow stripey baby blanket. I will try to take a pic later this week. I’m still too beat! I did all of that knitting in the car plus a little back at the hotel. The little thing I am knitting is my “emergency waiting in line ball of yarn” that I brought with me to get me through the endless amounts of waiting that would inevitably take place over the week of the vacation. It is of course the Lisa Souza yarn in the Emerald City colorway. This was my first time attempting lace at all and I was doing the Flame Chevron lace pattern from Barbara Walker, Volume 2. Of course I had to rip it all out multiple times and at the moment have nothing to show for it. I guess I will be needing lifelines until I get the hang of how not to drop yarn overs and not discover having dropped them until several rows later. Yipe!
More later about the trip and my knitting adventures, and how, somehow, I managed to knit my way through Disney. Right now, I hear a pillow… softly calling my name… zzzzzzzzzzzz…..
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