…and a lot of other stuff, too!
Can you believe it?? It’s DONE! I spent nearly all week working on the first of three balls of navy blue silk yarn, and I finally felt like I hit a breakthrough late last night, so stayed up way too late winding yarn. Then, by this afternoon, with help from the kids (who find my…
Tonight I decided to be brave and try to wind one of my other Lisa Souza yarn hanks into a ball. My daughter gave me that, “Mom, you’re NUTS!” look as I began to drag out the swift, knowing full well my troubles from the last week. But I knew that the hanks from this…
Is there some magic trick to winding yarn into a ball that I am missing? The last several hanks I’ve tried to work with have been anything but neat. I’m always nervous when I take off the wrapper and untwist the hank and the lovely long loop of yarn is revealed. Lately, every hank I’ve…