another knitting blog

February 25,2007

What the Heck?

Not much knitting to talk about today, but what's this? We were only supposed to get a little freezing rain this morning that was supposed to be all rain by noon. Even one of our local TV stations said our Winter Weather Advisory was cancelled. But then, look:

snow in front yard

diana portrait with snow falling

diana catching snowflakes on her tongue

backyard with snow falling

steven with snowman

Steven with our first snowman of the year! As you can see, our snowman is wishing for the beach, complete with shades, a towel, and flip flops!

snow thomas the tank engine, front view

Thomas the Tank Engine Snow Sculpture!

side view of Thomas Snow Sculpture

Guess the weathermen (and women!) were a little off today! Haha. SNOW!

February 18, 2007

Second Attempt

front of card with small knitted square with toothpick knitting needles

This is my second attempt at a knit designed stationery card. I don't like this one as much as the one with the cute little purse on the front. My issue is my "knitting needles," which in this case are toothpicks with beads on the ends of them. I wish I could get them to lie flatter against each other, but I don't think that's gonna happen unless I notch them like Lincoln Logs. And that just sounds like too much work. Sigh.

I think my next attempt might have something to do with felting.... yeah, that's the ticket...

February 16, 2007

Yet Another Thing to Do with Leftover Sock Yarn!

front of notecard with tiny knitted purse glued to front

Isn't it the cutest thing? I was so excited to share that you can still see the wet glue... but after one failed attempt at a knitted note card design, I think I did good!

Here's the inside:

inside of card with photo collage on top and letter at the bottom

The inside contains a folded letter to a friend and a small collage of photos. I'm no scrapbooker and I am not good with scissors and glue! (Speaking of glue, I need to run and put the cap back on! Haha.) I need to practice this stuff, but I think the friend who will receive this card, who has been bugging me to write a letter for months and months, will be very surprised! Just had to share!

February 13, 2007

Square Two

closeup of trinity stitch in orange yarnSo if you've been following along since last month, you'll know that I'm doing a rainbow-y bright baby blanket for my co-worker, who's expecting her first bundle of joy. So for my second square of the project, I've chosen trinity stitch. This is a stitch that I've read about but had never tried before.

Visually, I love this stitch. But I am finding it slow going and hard on my shoulders and hands. I think it's the p3tog part that's making it tough. I'm already trying to decide what Square Three is going to be, and I have so many choices in front of me at the moment that I can't decide!

Crochet Mystery

When I was younger, my grandmother gave me a crochet pattern for a shell stitch afghan that looked like this:

crochet shell stitch swatch

I've always adored this pattern, but can no longer crochet. What I'm wondering is, can this be emulated with knitting? It alternates shells with single crochet stitches in the first row. On the second row, you put a single crochet into the shell and a crochet "V" into the single crochet from row one, which has the effect of putting a straight edge of stitches above the shells. Then you repeat those two rows, and in the end, you get vertical columns of shells with lacy "V's" in between. Hmmmm.

This was my favorite pattern back then, back in the days when I was a crocheter. I am not a crocheter now. It hurts too much. I even had sore hands after making this little example swatch. The first of these afghans was for a college boyfriend (nobody ever told me about the knitter's boyfriend curse; I guess it applies to crocheters too!) And then a few years later I made three more. And I GAVE THEM ALL AWAY! I have no examples of this beautiful pattern. I now am much better about making some things for myself. Everything I ever made when I was younger is pretty much gone. Except for a shell stitch bedspread I made for another college boyfriend, not the same pattern. Luckily that time the curse was broken and my now-husband brought it with him to our married home. (Married 14 years and counting, and we still have that blanket.) But, I digress.

So, I'd be really grateful for any sage advice from some knit and crochet experts, that can help me figure this one out, and try to reclaim something that recalls my favorite design from my past.

Snow Day!

light snow on the lawnOk, I know all you people suffering up North are going to laugh at this one. But everything was shut down around town today because of this teeny amount of gunk on the ground. But the thing is, it's mostly sleet and freezing rain, and frankly, folks around DC don't know how to handle it. The ice is supposed to get worse overnight and I'm secretly praying that my kids' school will be closed tomorrow so I don't have to go out in this crud. But shhhh! Don't tell them I feel that way! Sleep well, and stay warm and safe.

February 7, 2007

A Closer Look...

closeup of cable plait and double moss stitchMy last picture of this stitch pattern didn't do it justice at all. I guess it was the hot pink on the red backgroud that distorted everything and made it hard to photograph. So here it is again. I've had lots of waiting around to do over the last couple of days, so I've gotten some progress made on the thing. Whatcha' think?

In Today's Inbox

Somebody on one of my mailing lists posted the following blog today:

The Walker Treasury Project

The focus is for contributers to knit swatches that represent the stitch patterns in Barbara Walker's Treasuries. (See my library page for links to purchase each one via Amazon.) It's fun to see all the swatches in color, but I have to say that I am wondering whether there are any possible copyright issues involved. Still, it's fun to see the stitches with today's photography rather than the somewhat murky black and white photos in the actual books. I'll have fun checking back to this blog on occasion.

February 5, 2007

Back to Square One...

pink cabled square in progressSo last week after finishing the Santa Hat I started on the baby afghan for my expectant co-worker. But I wasn't happy with it; the square was too big. It was a stockinette square with the seed stitch heart motif, "Bumpy Love," by Sarah Bradberry. But the square I was making was too big and floppy, even around that fairly generously-sized motif. So, at my buddy Rhoda's urging I frogged! And instead of re-casting on the heart motif I opted for this plaited cable and double moss stitch pattern for now. I think the heart will be better suited on an interior square rather than the bottom corner. My goal is to show a different stitch pattern for each square; and since I am so fond of cables, probably a fair number of the squares will contain cable patterns. But I don't want to do too much of a good thing, either. So we'll see in the end what I come up with! I'm even thinking of doing several two-color designs. And given that this blankie is made with bright, neon colors, this is going to be one wild thing!

Speaking of Buddy Rhoda...

Rhoda hit the sale this weekend at All About Yarn, and she brought me this:

rainbow yarn

It's just so ME! All rainbow-y and purple-y and soft and it just feels wonderful! It's Taos by Crystal Palace and it's yum! I think it's crying out to be "My So-Called Scarf," but alas, due to the aforementioned baby blanket, it will have to wait for now.

Knitting Resources

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About Me - If you really GOTTA know who's writing this blog...

Got Feedback? Visit the Guestbook

Work in Progress: Aran Sampler Rainbow Blankie - Click this page to see all the cool designs that are going into this project!

Finished Object Gallery - This page doesn't have a lot on it! I'm notorious for not finishing projects. But check back from time to time as I just might surprise myself!

Trish's Knitting Library - This is an assortment of knitting books and related materials that I've enjoyed, so I thought I would share them with you.

Trish's Knitting Links - I surf a lot for knitting resources so I thought I'd start compiling my discoveries here. Check back often!

The KnitList - This is probably one of the oldest and most comprehensive knitting resources on the Web. There are literally thousands of members, and people are always ready to provide information and help.

KnitTalk - and if you're sick of the Knitlist and just want a warm fuzzy place to chat about knitting, try this group on for size.

KnitHatsNow - A mailing list devoted to people who love to knit hats! We maintain an always-growing list of free hat patterns available on the web.

KnittingScarves - A mailing list devoted to people who love to knit scarves! We maintain an always-growing list of scarf patterns available on the web. Crocheters are welcome, too.

Knitty - Very creative online knitting magazine. Great patterns and really great articles. Best of all, it's FREE.

Trish's Knitting Tips

Knitting Small Round Objects Without Double Pointed Needles (a.k.a., "The Magic Loop") - Learning this technique revolutionized the way I knit! The booklet which describes the technique in detail is published by Fiber Trends and is available through a huge variety of knitting retailers. I also found that I learned the technique on my own pretty well visiting this website: How to Knit Small Circumferences Using One Long Circular Needle.

Recently, I've found a website called Knitting where the Magic Loop technique is demonstrated. Click on the Advanced Techniques page to find the video.

My Own Patterns

Cables and Eyelets Scarf -- I put this pattern together and I'm enjoying it a lot so far! Of course, my sample is still in the UFO pile, but the pattern is a lot of fun to knit.

Fancy Cabled Braided Scarf -- My first pattern! I love cables, and I love this scarf. I hope you enjoy it, too!

Commercial Knitting Resources

The Yarn Market - My current favorite yarn store. A wide selection of beautiful and fun yarns.

Knitpicks - My other favorite yarn store. This one carries tons of accessories and doo-dads I can't live without! Recently, Knitpicks has begun carrying their own house-brand yarn. The reviews are good and the prices can't be beat! Be sure to check them out.

Denise Interchangeable Needles - I love these needles and I use them exclusively. I have two sets! The needle sizes range from 5-15, and the cables can be combined to make almost any length. I find these needles lightweight and easy to work with.

Favorite Knitting Blogs

WendyKnits - This one is a hoot to read and contains lots of info on really interesting projects! But, Kudos to Wendy's tip on Cabling Without a Cable Needle. I've read many directions before, but this one was the one that caused my "light bulb" to go off.



String or Nothing

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Visit My Other Sites!

Day Family on The Web - This is our family website; check often for updates on the kids and other news.

Parents with Disabilities Online - This is my project I manage for parents with disabilities. I really enjoy providing resources, information and support to families like ours, so that they know they're not alone.

Birtles Shorrock Goble - Founding members of the Little River Band, who have reunited and gave me the honor of doing their website!

Beeb Birtles' Official Website - The pleasure has been all mine to manage the web site for the life and times of Beeb Birtles, a founding member of the Little River Band.

DOT Disability Resource Center - This is where I work, and I also do the website for the office.

Powerscape, LLC - this is the website for my brother's business, which specializes in commercial power washing services.

straight but not narrow

peace sign with words, build ramps not bombs

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"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." --Audre Lorde

©2004 Patricia Day; All Rights Reserved.
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