another knitting blog

August 31, 2005

Ok, I Can't Believe I'm Doing This...

gray cat faceWhat do you do when there's not much to talk about in the knitting realm? Why, take a picture of your cat, of course! This is Zöe, my 13-year-old Blue Maine Coon mutt-cat that I rescued from a now-defunct pet store. Actually, Zöe rather likes this knitting hobby of mine. She's not nearly so prolific a knitting helper as Lucy, but I often knit while parked next to the sofa in my den, which holds my balls of yarn and other supplies while I'm working. Zöe loves jumping up on the sofa armrest next to me, because she knows she'll get plenty of kitty scritches! She's no dummy, that's for sure... but with hair like hers, I always have to be very careful about cleaning my projects when they are gifts... Gasp! Alison's allergic to cats! Poncho's progressing slowly; the rounds are getting larger now and taking a longer time to complete each one. Did I mention that this project would take 11 or 12 weeks? Let's hope that's all it is.

Yet how can I yak on and on about knitting and fluffy felines when there are so many who are suffering? The devastation left behind by Katrina is so overwhelming that I can't even imagine it. New Orleans was a fabulous place to visit when I went there. I enjoyed the culture, and the people, and the FOOD! My goodness, did we ever eat. It's hard to imagine that it all could be... just gone. How sad.

August 30, 2005

Poncho Progress

I've been knitting away at Alison's Poncho, and though it doesn't look much bigger, I've made some progress:


Almost had a disaster tonight! I was coming around to the point where I had joined a new ball on the round below and it just didn't look right! I wound up dropping quite a few stitches while trying to fix it. I think I did ok, though it took an hour or so away from peaceful knitting and made me have a few pull my hair out moments... oh, well. All of these things when they happen are supposed to be a learning experience. Yeah, right.

I tried to install Wordpress blogging software to this site today, and let's just say that I'm sticking to things the way they are for now! I love the look of my blog the way it is now, but I want some of the automating features of an actual blogging package. What I learned today is that I don't know enough CSS and PHP to customize the blog to my liking. It would almost be better if I knew nothing at all and would be totally happy with whatever templates they have available and just go with it. But, no... I've grown to like the look and feel of my site and I want to keep it looking this way while making it easier to use. Oh well... Perhaps this is a topic for a more technical blog! Haha. Guess I've got more than just knitting on the mind.

Praying for NOLA...

August 27, 2005

Sat and Knat

Poor DH woke up with a bad stiff neck today so we weren't our usual very busy selves... so yay! A knitting day! First, an update on Alison's Poncho:

alison's poncho with green color band started

As you can see, I finally started the green color! Yay! Alison wanted an all green poncho, but alas! She is quite tall and I couldn't score enough green in the same dyelot! So, I improvised by making the top portion an ecru color. Hopefully the rest will be green, but if I find that I still don't have enough, I have five more balls of the ecru and I can do some sort of border with that. Hopefully the rest will be all green, though!

Some on the KnitList have suggested that I do the entire center panel in ecru, which would have been lovely, but since the panel is on the front and the back I think it would be so fussy to switch colors every round. So, I didn't... :-) But it was a cool idea. Others have written me asking for the pattern! Wow! What an honor. I never thought anything I ever made up in my head would look nice enough that someone else could want to make it. I'll wait until it's done and give it a go to write it out... don't want to jump the gun too soon in case I come up with some dilemmas along the way. That means it could be a while before a pattern is available, but I am inspired to try!

And, of course... here is a closeup of the stitching (Don't look too close; it's far from perfect!):


Baby Blankie Update

Earlier this summer I started the Cables and Eyelets Baby Blanket by Nancy Hearne. It's been a fun pattern, but is taking a loooong time so I am now working it at the same time as teh poncho, to keep myself from going nuts! I had the chance to get a bit more done on it this week in addition to working the poncho. Here it is!

baby blanket

I guess it looks like a skirt at the moment because the top portion is bunched up around my circular needles, but oh well. To think I was worrying about the size of the thing... this isn't even quite the halfway point in my yarn and I think it's going to be huge! Anyway, I do promise the poor baby that he will receive the finished blankie before he starts kinder! Honest!

I guess that's all from here for now; it's been a good day. :-)

August 22, 2005

What was I THINKING???

Yesterday, while bidding farewell to the Folk Art Studio Cafe, I did a bit of shopping, one last time, just for kicks... And I got some of this:

sold purple yarn and varigated green and purple yarn

...and this:

hanks of hot pink yarn

Now, the question is, what to do with them? The purple and varigated ones are Twilley's Freedom Wool and the purples are actually more plum than true purple, which is my favorite shade. I'm now wondering if the stuff will felt... as I have 9 balls of the purple and 4 balls of the varigated in this bulky yarn and I'm starting to think felt bag... but I don't know! Maybe a bit more research is required.

The Second Yarn is "New Wool" by Ironstone Yarns. I've never used this yarn but saw it and right away thought, "bulky Clapotis?" The color spoke to me as something that would be coveted by a good friend who adores hot pink. So, she shall have some type of shawl or scarf, someday... of course. After all, I am the world's slowest knitter. :-)

August 21, 2005


poncho getting biggerI'm really pleased with how the poncho is looking! I can't wait to start on the green section, which will be just below the top of the shoulders. I still have a ways to go before that happens, but I think I'm making good progress so far. At this rate it should take what, 11 or 12 weeks to complete? No, really. I truly am the slowest knitter in the world.

I went by the Folk Art Studio today, just to say goodbye. I can't believe it's leaving already, but Kathy I think would like to spend more time at home, on her own artistic endeavors, and spend time with her son. It's a tough, often thankless job to run your own business. I admire her guts for giving it a go. Guess I'll have to find a new spot to sit and knit; I sure will miss the place!

Just for kicks, here's another closeup of my stitch pattern... I think I'm liking it more now as it grows.

closeup of poncho stitch pattern

August 20, 2005

The Folk Art Studio Cafe :-(

Well, a fellow KnitLister just wrote me with the sad news that my beloved little yarn shop is closing this weekend. I just got off the phone with Kathy, the owner of the Folk Art Studio Cafe, and she said she hopes maybe she will reopen in another place someday, but right now she doesn't know what the future holds. I'm sad, and I plan to go by the shop tomorrow to say goodbye. If you'd like to see photos I took of the shop back in October, you can visit this page on my blog. She said she plans to keep the website up in case things change so she can still announce a new lcation, if it happens.

Be well, Kathy...

August 19, 2005

Taking Shape...

Alison's poncho, showing beginnings of patterned stitchhesIs it just me, or is this poncho starting to look totally yummy? I brought this in to work to show Alison today, and I think she was pleased! In the end I decided to do a center panel with a plaited cable and double moss stitch flanking it on either side. the length of the turtleneck is just about perfect for Alison and the patterned stitches are takiing shape! But hey, who am I kidding? This is just the beginning!! As tall as my good buddy is, I'm likely to be knitting this poor poncho nearly forever! It's ok, though... I'm lovin' the feel of this yarn!

I'm also loving being able to use my Denise needles once again. I've been doing a couple of projects recently that have required smaller than a size 5 needle, so my trusty Denises have been sitting quite idle, much to my dismay. I think now that I've had the chance to experiment with several different types of needles, I can now say with confidence that Denise is my overall favorite.

Anyway, back to the poncho. I'm loving it! Here's hoping that Alison will be enjoying this warm snuggly thing when Winter arrives! I've got a long way to go, but for now I'll leave you with a closeup of the stitch pattern:

poncho closeup

August 15, 2005

It's a Turtleneck!

turtleneck on the knitting needlesAnd a pretty good one, too... eh? I've decided to continue the turtleneck of Alison's Poncho Reborn for an entire two balls, and then I'll begin the patterning. I'll continue the off-white color until just below the top of the shoulders, and then I'll add the Olive color. I'm hoping what I can see in my head in terms of design looks as good in reality! I'm thinking the pattern will be a braid down the center and a lattice band on either side... and then a ribbed bottom. I hope I'm not just having a fit of wild imagination and that the poncho will be lovely! I can't wait to start the patterened stitches. Maybe tomorrow, if I'm lucky...

All for now...

August 13, 2005

Yarn Update

I went back to AC Moore today to see if I could inquire about my mystery yarn. A couple of the KnitListers suggested that it might be a specific brand made for AC Moore, and one or two suggested that it might be made or distributed by Knitting Fever (KFI), though the yarn is not specifically listed on the KFI website. The nice man at AC Moore, who was doing inventory in the yarn department, did confirm for me that it is a KFI product (or that that's where they get it from) and that there are a spare few colors available in the chunky weight. Of course there was no more Olive in stock because I had bought it all, and it at first appeared as if the ecru was gone, too, but then I found more of it in another aisle. So, I think I now have enough yarn to complete dear Alison's poncho.

A couple of people e-mailed me to inquire about this yarn. Here's what I can tell you. The ball band says 45% Merino Wool, 49% Microfiber (whatever that is!) and 6% Cashmere. The balls are 50g and 70 yards. It also says Made in Italy. It appears very similar to Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Chunky, though the fiber content percentages are a little "off." I still wonder, though, if one is the real deal, and the other is an off-label cousin. But my yarn is super-duper soft and a joy to knit with.

All for now! Ciao...

August 12, 2005

The Turtleneck Grows...

turtleneck of ponchoSo here is the turtleneck of Alison's New and Improved Poncho! I am SO hoping to be started on the body of the poncho before the end of the weekend, but I guess we'll see! I'm reminded as I knit of a video of the famous Opinionated Knitter, Elizabeth Zimmerman, who said something to the effect of, "The way to make a turtleneck is to continue your ribbing in the round, until you are just sick of it! And that is how to make a turtleneck." Well, maybe not until I'm sick of it, but I've decided to let it go until I've reached the end of this second ball of yarn, which I started approximately three rounds back. It is amazing how soon these teeny balls get used up! I visited someone's blog yesterday where she declared, "50g balls of yarn are stupid." I have to say that I agree! But I do love the way the yarn feels!

And speaking of the yarn...

Do You Know Me?

ball of cashmere luxury chunky yarnI got this yarn at AC Moore last Sunday, and I've never heard of it before. I LOVE the way it feels, but I don't know anything about it. I bought all they had in this light olive color...13 balls... plus I have four balls of the ecru color. But I'm fairly positive that I'm going to run out. I'd love to find more in this color, but failing that, I was thinking I could do a band of yet another color at the bottom... like a nice wheat color or something, but I can't seem to find an online source for purchasing this yarn and seeing what colors are available. Googling has proved fruitless and AC Moore doesn't even list this yarn on their website. Anybody know anything about it, or where I can see a full line of available colors? Please let me know!

Until next time...

August 11, 2005


What a wonderful day! I've just been named a co-moderator of the Yahoo! Group, KnittingScarves! I've been a member there for a little while now and have assisted them with building and maintaining a massive links library of scarf patterns, and I've really enjoyed doing that. I LOVE making scarves because it gives me the opportnity to try new and wonderful things with my knitting. Anyway, the group is a fabulous place with lots of great resources! Thank you, Suzanne and Donna!

It's rare when I make a post with no photos, but that's how it is tonight. It's late here. But I'll say that I've now made significant progress on the turtleneck portion of Alison's Poncho Reborn, and I'll be sure to take pics by the weekend at the latest. I'm lovin' the new yarn! It's very soft and yummy, but I'm having fears about whether I've got enough yarn. Time will tell!! Maybe since it's starting out with an ecru color, and progressing to olive, it can finish with a wheat color if need be... and I can always say I planned it that way! Yeah, that's the ticket! Haha. Until next time....

August 7, 2005

I Know When I'm Licked...

restarting the ponchoWell, I've fought with that TLC Amore yarn long enough! It just wasn't feeling right to me and I wasn't achieving what I thought was an acceptable result for Dear Alison's poncho. So today I went to AC Moore and found this Luxury Cashmere Chunky yarn from Fantasy Yarns, and it is SOOOO soft. Problem was I couldn't find quite enough in the light olive/avocado color so I decided to do the poncho in two colors: cream for the turtleneck and border, and light olive for the body. I think I will try doing the center panel with a braid down the middle and a band of lattice on either side. Smaller yarn means more stitches to play with, so I think it could look quite nice! Time will tell. It is a bit disheartening to start again after all this time but I think I will be happier with the result.

August 6, 2005

Poncho Update

alison's poncho progressI've been knitting away at Alison's poncho for the last several days, and I can finally begin to see some progress. My photos suck tonight so they're a bit small, but large enough for you to get the idea, I hope. As you can see I've finally completed the mammoth 11-inch turtleneck and have begun working on the body of the poncho. I've completd the first 8 rows of the cable pattern but will reserve judgement until I get at least one more repeat done. So far I'm not lovin' it. I think it's because this yarn doesn't seem to have much stretch and doesn't take well to being pulled and tugged into a cable. I've already dropped some stitches on the side not showing and will have to go back and make a repair. (This yarn is hard to un-knit, too!) Hopefully I'll be able to do it in a way that is unnoticeable.

Also worked a tiny bit on my Cables and Eyelets baby blanket while at the pool this evening. Can't believe I've been working on it almost exclusively (until this week, that is) since May, and I'm not quite at the halfway point! Ugh. Someone came up to me at the pool tonight and said next time she'll bring her knitting, too. Fun!

closeup of the cableHere's a closeup of the cable pattern on the poncho. What do you think? Will it work? Sorry my photos are sucky and blurry tonight! It's a bit dark in the kitchen tonight for some reason. Until next time...

August 2, 2005... Take 2

Let the Parade of Humiliation Begin...

alison's poncho

I think I must be the QUEEN of unfinished objects! Above is the beginnings of a poncho that I started for my office mate and good friend Alison. LAST YEAR! I started it and got past the really deep turtleneck collar, and did several rounds of increases, when I realized that I did not like the cable pattern I had picked for the center panel. The original design, which was from Family Circle Easy Knitting, Fall '04, of course did not call for a cable. But I couldn't leave well enough alone and so I embellished. Except I didn't like the result. So I started over. And there it is, not quite all of the collar. Again. I had hoped that Alison would be able to wear the poncho last fall. Now, I'm hoping she'll see it this fall. Ugh. Why do I always do this? Start stuff and stop? I don't understand. I must get over this sickness....

But wait! There's more!

This is the poncho I started for myself last August. It's nearly done, of course, and of course I couldn't bring myself to finish it. It's shaped funny, but I think (I hope!) that's because it is bunched up on the circular needle. I'm also not happy that I got impatient with the collar adn I don't think I made it deep enough. Oh well...

I'm still trying to decide whether to knit a fancy cabled border onto the bottom edge, or to let it go with a simple ribbing. I'd love to do a fancy cabled border, but the prospect of knitting a border on by picking up the bottom edge as I go scares me. I'm worried that I will pick up the stitches at the wrong intervals and that the border will be bunched up and funny looking. Not sure how much I have in the guts department to tackle all that. So, there might just be a simple ribbing at the bottom... we'll see.

August 2, 2005

New! Trish's Knitting Links

Over the last few weeks I've been thinking of ways to make this site not only a collection of my mindless knitting rambles, but also how to make this site more useful to people who happen to stop by. Today I'm adding Trish's Knitting Links. I'm constantly trolling the web looking for patterns, inspirations, patterns, and a sense of "community" in my knitting, and I will be updating this page on a regular basis.

I've also decided that this month will be an Ode to Unfinished Objects. I've got so many things started yet undone, and I feel that I must face them all and get through them. I hope it will be worth a few laughs anyway!

Photos coming soon... In the meantime feel free to visit my archives, listed in the sidebar on the right.

Knitting Resources

Return to Blog Homepage

About Me - If you really GOTTA know who's writing this blog...

Got Feedback? Visit the Guestbook

Work in Progress: Aran Sampler Rainbow Blankie - Click this page to see all the cool designs that are going into this project!

Finished Object Gallery - This page doesn't have a lot on it! I'm notorious for not finishing projects. But check back from time to time as I just might surprise myself!

Trish's Knitting Library - This is an assortment of knitting books and related materials that I've enjoyed, so I thought I would share them with you.

Trish's Knitting Links - I surf a lot for knitting resources so I thought I'd start compiling my discoveries here. Check back often!

The KnitList - This is probably one of the oldest and most comprehensive knitting resources on the Web. There are literally thousands of members, and people are always ready to provide information and help.

KnitTalk - and if you're sick of the Knitlist and just want a warm fuzzy place to chat about knitting, try this group on for size.

KnitHatsNow - A mailing list devoted to people who love to knit hats! We maintain an always-growing list of free hat patterns available on the web.

KnittingScarves - A mailing list devoted to people who love to knit scarves! We maintain an always-growing list of scarf patterns available on the web. Crocheters are welcome, too.

Knitty - Very creative online knitting magazine. Great patterns and really great articles. Best of all, it's FREE.

Trish's Knitting Tips

Knitting Small Round Objects Without Double Pointed Needles (a.k.a., "The Magic Loop") - Learning this technique revolutionized the way I knit! The booklet which describes the technique in detail is published by Fiber Trends and is available through a huge variety of knitting retailers. I also found that I learned the technique on my own pretty well visiting this website: How to Knit Small Circumferences Using One Long Circular Needle.

Recently, I've found a website called Knitting where the Magic Loop technique is demonstrated. Click on the Advanced Techniques page to find the video.

My Own Patterns

Cables and Eyelets Scarf -- I put this pattern together and I'm enjoying it a lot so far! Of course, my sample is still in the UFO pile, but the pattern is a lot of fun to knit.

Fancy Cabled Braided Scarf -- My first pattern! I love cables, and I love this scarf. I hope you enjoy it, too!

Commercial Knitting Resources

The Yarn Market - My current favorite yarn store. A wide selection of beautiful and fun yarns.

Knitpicks - My other favorite yarn store. This one carries tons of accessories and doo-dads I can't live without! Recently, Knitpicks has begun carrying their own house-brand yarn. The reviews are good and the prices can't be beat! Be sure to check them out.

Denise Interchangeable Needles - I love these needles and I use them exclusively. I have two sets! The needle sizes range from 5-15, and the cables can be combined to make almost any length. I find these needles lightweight and easy to work with.

Favorite Knitting Blogs

WendyKnits - This one is a hoot to read and contains lots of info on really interesting projects! But, Kudos to Wendy's tip on Cabling Without a Cable Needle. I've read many directions before, but this one was the one that caused my "light bulb" to go off.



String or Nothing

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Visit My Other Sites!

Day Family on The Web - This is our family website; check often for updates on the kids and other news.

Parents with Disabilities Online - This is my project I manage for parents with disabilities. I really enjoy providing resources, information and support to families like ours, so that they know they're not alone.

Birtles Shorrock Goble - Founding members of the Little River Band, who have reunited and gave me the honor of doing their website!

Beeb Birtles' Official Website - The pleasure has been all mine to manage the web site for the life and times of Beeb Birtles, a founding member of the Little River Band.

DOT Disability Resource Center - This is where I work, and I also do the website for the office.

Powerscape, LLC - this is the website for my brother's business, which specializes in commercial power washing services.

straight but not narrow

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"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." --Audre Lorde

©2004 Patricia Day; All Rights Reserved.
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