…and a lot of other stuff, too!
Today I attended Farpoint Con in Timonium, MD. Now, I wouldn’t consider myself “into” the whole “nerd convention” scene, but as it happens, I am a fan of the Animaniacs, and Pinky & The Brain. Rob Paulsen, voice of Yakko Warner and Pinky, was going to be there, so I decided to brave the nerd…
And the letter of the day is…D. I haven’t written in the blog much over the last several months, not because I haven’t been knitting, but because I have been obsessed with a new aspect of my life. Well, it’s not so new. But my approach is. I suppose I ought to explain. In October…
I give you, on this day of sweetness in excess, the ultimate in Easter oxymorons: Really? Happy Easter!
Nearly 19 years ago, the man I love presented me with this ring, and asked me to marry him. I wish I could give the romantic notion that it was a total surprise, but truth be told, I knew our relationship was headed in that direction, and I started dropping some serious hints about my…
Today started out as an ordinary, blah Monday. Doctor’s appointments, errands, work… you know. Monday. Wasn’t looking forward to it. But then, after work, we decided to hit the new Red Robin in our neighborhood. There’s something about that place that just drips with happy. So, what follows is my pictorial evidence that Monday doesn’t…
Just had to say, my camera KICKS BUTT. I was sitting in the very back of our large community theater. My daughter, the one with the blue hair, was a small speck of a kid on the stage. And THIS, this photo? From my seat, all the way to her, with NO flash. Not bad,…