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Pie Are Square Shawl Progress
Pie Are Square Shawl Progress
Some days, I don’t really have a lot to say. It’s Saturday, my 9-year-old just went off for his first sleepover birthday party, and not a lot else is happening around here. But I did want to show you that, hey! I’ve been knitting! And the progress is actually visible.
I keep wavering back and forth between the thoughts that wow, this shawl is really pretty, or man, this shawl is very funny looking. Ok, so all you lace knitters are going to jump up and say that the magic happens in the blocking. I know this, but man, I think maybe some of my design “decisions” look like wonky knitting mishaps. I guess I won’t really know until the very end, when I actually do block and see what happens. Either way, I’m going to wear this shawl and be happy. I can tell already that it’s going to be the first of many shawl adventures in my knitting life.


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