You’ve heard me say it many times. I believe that I am the slowest knitter in the world. So slow in fact that I usually lose interest in a project long before it’s done. But this week, I’m proud of the progress I’ve made on my February Lady Sweater in such a short time:

I even got to the second buttonhole tonight, which was actually something of a close call. All week as I’ve been knitting I’ve been laying the knitting on my shoulders, to see if I am doing ok with the size. And I’ve been getting this increasingly sinking feeling that the sweater was looking too big, and that maybe I should go down a size. This morning I went into my co-worker’s office and announced my intention to take a trip to the frog pond at lunch time. She’s a knitter–a quite accomplished one–but had never heard the term, “frog pond.” After explaining myself and what the term meant, she suggested that maybe we should go in the bathroom so I could see it in a mirror. (A fabulous suggestion from my co-worker, who happens to be blind.)
She helped me position the yoke on my shoulders just so, and you know what? It’s looking good! The increases are laying right where they should and the neck opening is not too wide. So, she saved me a trip to the frog pond, and I was able to keep right on knitting! Whew! That was definitely time well spent at lunchtime today.
So I will keep knitting, knowing that I have miles of garter stitch to knit before I can get to the lace pattern, and hoping that I can maintain my resolve. I must get over my, “I’ve never knit a sweater” knitter’s block. Because, you see, I’ve got big plans for the next one. But it’s too soon to talk about that. Right now let’s just bask in the glow of my progress this week. This is MY Olympic moment.
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