It’s been a busy and stressful couple of weeks at Casa de Trish Knits. Cars needing emergency repairs, way stressful at work, and lots of extra school related stuff with the kids. Who knew planning for high school next year was going to be so hard? When I was a kid, you just sort of showed up. Apparently, at least in my daughter’s case, it’s not quite like that. So, we’ve been extra busy and extra tired. Not much quiet time, and not much restorative sleep happening, either. Sigh. I’m kind of a caffeine-charged nervous wreck. But, sometimes, that’s just the way it is.
I’ve actually been forcing myself to knit. Staying awake in the car, and knitting. Keeping myself awake at all these extra meetings with the help of my knitting. Trying not to work so much at night so I can veg out in front of the TV and knit. (Believe it or not, I don’t do that very often.) I’ve been forcing myself to knit, because I do think it’s helping. And I have some stuff to show for it, too. Wanna see?
This is Elijah by Ysolda Teague. At first I thought there is NO WAY mine is going to look anything like the one on the website. But, just tonight, I got far enough on the trunk that I could really see the head taking shape. If you’re like me and you really, really hate major amounts of seaming and finishing, but you want to make toys, Ysolda’s patterns are for you. Already I want to make several others of hers and I have ideas for others based on basic shapes in her patterns. I’m really enjoying making this little guy, and in the end, I think I might be sorry that I’m giving him away. My friend Marie has a friend who is collecting toys for an orphanage in Haiti and our knit group is helping the cause. But I can tell already that this is probably not going to be the only Elijah I ever make.
Then, for my commuter knitting, there’s this, which finally looks like it’s supposed to be a hat:
I just added my second skein of Noro Kureyon today and I hope to have it finished in the next week or so. It’s based on Charisa Martin Cairn’s Lifestyle Top Down Hat and I’m hoping in the end that it will have a bit of a slouchy beret shape. I guess we’ll see…. wish me luck!
Finally, I have to share this:
This is my BoyZilla at the pet supply store this past weekend. The kids like popping in there on the weekends when we’re out and about doing errands because there are always animal rescue people on hand with pets for adoption. This bird started out on my son’s arm and walked his way up to his shoulder. In this photo it looks like my son is a bit unsure about the whole thing but really he was quite excited and took the photo to school to show his second grade class. Isn’t he cute?
This Saturday is knit group already. Time’s flying, but I’m really looking forward to it. Hopefully I’ll pop into the blog at least once again before then. It’s late, though, and I have a 12-hour workday to look forward to tomorrow. Oh, joy.
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