A knitting and blogging slump. In the last week I have done the equivalent of less than one row’s worth of stitches on Jen’s scarf, and about a third of a row on my February Lady Sweater. Hardly worth blogging about, huh?
I think it’s because everything’s in a mess around here. I’ve had piles of yarn with no place to go all over the couch for months. I bought some of those new Ziploc Totes and I’ve discovered that I don’t think I like them. I can’t say why, really, but I’ve got one here in the middle of my floor which is not quite full of yarn and won’t hold its shape, and so it’s constantly falling over and getting in the way. I guess it’s good that the totes apparently hold a LOT of yarn. As much or more than my Rubbermaid tubs which are also overflowing. But I can’t quite figure out if there’s an advantage to this product over a Rubbermaid tub. I guess, for me, there probably isn’t one.
We’re getting ready to totally organize this room and I am growing impatient now. The kids are leaving in about 10 days on vacation with the grandparents and we’re going to seriously attack this room where we spend most of our family time. I’ve hired a professional organizer and I’ve been to the Container Store. There are going to be some major changes around here!
The reorganization, as great as it will be, does not include space for my yarn! My yarn, which as much as I love it, has completely taken over my life. My husband and I have been discussing this conundrum, and he has agreed that we should clear out the closet in the front entry hall and stack the yarn bins in there. I think this will be good because I’ll be able to get to things relatively easily, and finally it will all have a place to be. At least I HOPE it all fits in there. Wish me luck on that! I shall come clean, as they say, and take photos of the transformation in this room as it happens. I know I’m not the only person who lives in a cluttered mess and if documenting the process helps anyone (or keeps me from repeating it myself) then so be it. I’m going to share.
I think this is gonna be great. But probably not so much knitting this month. I’m nervous and hopeful all at once. Wish me luck.
My mom’s birthday is next Monday, the 13th. I am working on a birthday card idea that includes a wee bit of knitting. More on that later.
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