Oh I am so excited I could jump up and down! (If I could jump up and down, that is!) Today I would be pleased and oh so proud to share with you, THIS:

My DD, age 12, saw me knitting with Noro Kureyon a couple of weeks ago and all of a sudden just had, had, HAD to have a ball I had leftover with blues and purples in it. I was saving my leftovers for a blanket project I have planned, but the DD learning some new knitting skills was well worth the sacrifice! She has been watching me make hats over the last several weeks and was determined that that was what she wanted to do.
Now, this is a kid who can do basic garter stitch, a little bit of stockinette, and anything rectangular. Blankets, iPod covers and amulet bags are her specialty. But this time, she really wanted to learn to knit a hat. A HAT! Yes, she’s my kid! So we had to conquer increasing, knitting in the round and magic loop all at once! And you know what? She got it. Totally got it. And she’s doing a really great job.
Speaking of hats, here’s the update on my latest:

I can’t think of a funny name for this one! That’s because, I think, it’s going to be lovely. I can hardly wait to be done so I can wear it!
Homework Tip #1: Write What You Know

See Steven. See Steven spell. See Steven write. Sentences. In the first month of first grade.
Problem is, Steven can think of at least forty-eleventy things he’d rather do besides homework. We’ve had some colossal battles over the last few weeks, some lasting hours. Steven reads and writes above grade level so when he was coming home with words like “hat,” “rat,” and “on,” to make sentences with, he rebelled. Big time. Huge tantrums. I didn’t think we’d survive one or two of them, but somehow we did.
Steven is a bit of a clown and often likes to express his humor at times when frankly, we wish he wouldn’t. But, why not be expressive with his spelling words? We drew the line the other night when he wanted to put the word “butt” into just about every sentence. But then there was tonight’s writing creation, and we just had to let it go. The teacher will just have to deal.
Word: Sock.
Steven’s sentence? “I have a smelly sock. P-U.”
Seriously. It was a keeper.
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