
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

Saturday Knitting with New Friends

Jo, Pat, Lola

Today was way fun! Kiva had posted a question on Ravelry about whether the knitting group still met on Wednesdays at the Bowie Borders. I responded that yes, I thought so, but I had never been. With school age kids there’s always homework to monitor, showers to be sure get taken, and flutes to be sure get practiced, etc. So the whole weeknight thing seems out of the question for a good long while. So I posted back that I would love to get an occasional group going on a Saturday afternoon. Even if it’s only once a month. Kiva responded that yes! This sounded like a good idea. So we set it up.

To my surprise, seven people showed up today for our first meeting! My knit buddy Rhoda was there too, and everyone else was from the Ravelry boards. Lola wore a knit sweater and brought two others in progress. Kiva had a gorgeous scarf and brought her mother and daughter along, Pat was knitting her traveling sock, Jo was knitting a gorgeous drop stitch wrap with yarn she had spun herself, and Rhoda was working on her gorgeous (purple!) chevron scarf. I was knitting on my never-ending afghan, and spilling coffee all over the floor. Geez, can’t take me anywhere! Left to right in this first photo are Jo, Pat and Lola.

Rhoda, Kiva, Betty

Here’s a shot of Rhoda, with Kiva, and Kiva’s mom, Betty. There’s Kiva’s gorgeous daughter, too!

Rhoda showed Betty how Magic Loop works, and we all shared stories of how long we’ve been knitting and how we learned. It’s funny, but even though most of us had never met, the language of knitting made it easy to talk and it seemed as if we were old friends very quickly. We talked lots about Ravelry and how much we love it.

Ravelry button says Hello my name is wheeltrish The ladies admired my Ravelry button and are all hoping to get one before the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. I’ll have to see if there’s a way to get ahold of some.

Lola works on her sweater

Lola was working on a blue sweater with saddle shoulders from Elizabeth Zimmermann’s Knitting Without Tears. She puzzled a bit over Elizabeth’s traditionally wordy directions, and showed us all a photo of a completed one on her blackberry. But, before the afternoon was done, the light bulb clicked on and Lola was off and running with the next section of her sweater.

For now, we’ve decided that we will meet on the First Saturday of the Month, except for May. That’s the Sheep and Wool Festival, so in May we will have a Show and Tell session on the Second Saturday. It was great being in the company of knitters, and I hope it will continue!

Of course, I can’t go to a bookstore without brining a few things home! Today my haul included Son of Stitch ‘n Bitch: 45 Projects to Knit and Crochet for Men, and Creative Knitting Magazine. Don’t know why I don’t subscribe to that one; I always like it. Perhaps I should go now and fix that little problem. 🙂 More later…

2 responses to “Saturday Knitting with New Friends”

  1. Beth Avatar


    I saw on Ravelry that you have Knit Picks Shine Sport Crocus in your stash. I have run short on a project I am making with this yarn and Knit Picks has sold out completely. I am hoping that you would be willing to sell me some of your Crocus. Let me know,
    Thanks, Beth

  2. […] also had a real-life Raverly meet-up on Saturday. Pics can be found at Trish’s site. Here is my mom as taken by the […]

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