So last week after finishing the Santa Hat I started on the baby afghan for my expectant co-worker. But I wasn’t happy with it; the square was too big. It was a stockinette square with the seed stitch heart motif, “Bumpy Love,” by Sarah Bradberry. But the square I was making was too big and floppy, even around that fairly generously-sized motif. So, at my buddy Rhoda’s urging I frogged! And instead of re-casting on the heart motif I opted for this plaited cable and double moss stitch pattern for now. I think the heart will be better suited on an interior square rather than the bottom corner. My goal is to show a different stitch pattern for each square; and since I am so fond of cables, probably a fair number of the squares will contain cable patterns. But I don’t want to do too much of a good thing, either. So we’ll see in the end what I come up with! I’m even thinking of doing several two-color designs. And given that this blankie is made with bright, neon colors, this is going to be one wild thing!
Speaking of Buddy Rhoda…
Rhoda hit the sale this weekend at All About Yarn, and she brought me this:

It’s just so ME! All rainbow-y and purple-y and soft and it just feels wonderful! It’s Taos by Crystal Palace and it’s yum! I think it’s crying out to be “My So-Called Scarf,” but alas, due to the aforementioned baby blanket, it will have to wait for now.
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