
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

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    Just a Lovely Afternoon (not) Knitting at Knit Group

    I always have a great time at knit group, and today was no exception. Except, for some reason, I didn’t knit a stitch. Often it happens that I knit very little at group time, because there’s always food, and conversation, and patterns to search for on the iPad, and all that sort of stuff. Today…

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    Sunday was Festival Day!

    I feel like I had the best day, EVER. I know I say that nearly every year about the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, but this year, I think I mean it. My good friend Nancy joined us for the fun (she was a newbie!) so I had the fun of showing her around and…

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    If You’re Cold, Put On a Sweater; That’s What They’re For.

    If You’re Cold, Put On a Sweater; That’s What They’re For.

    This is going to be an exciting week for me. This weekend is the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, which is my second-favorite event of the year, next to Christmas. In fact, this week is kind of like that week in 1979, when I had the chance to see both of my favorite bands in…

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    Homespun Yarn Party, 2012

    Homespun Yarn Party, 2012

    Today was the annual Homespun Yarn Party, in Savage, MD. I’d never been to this event before, but this year, my friend Lynne from Knit Group decided that I had to attend, and offered to drive my van there. It was a little like the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, but in miniature, and it…

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    Back from the Knitting Black Hole

    Back from the Knitting Black Hole

    Well, now. I have no excuses for why it’s been so long since I’ve blogged. I have no excuse, other than the fact that this is a (mostly) knitting blog, and for the last several months, I’ve felt as if everything about my knitting has been anything but steady. My knit group had struggled over…

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    Day Seven: Where Knit Happens (Usually)

    Day Seven: Where Knit Happens (Usually)

    How fitting that today is the last day of Blog Week, and I get to save the best for last. Today’s topic is about where we are when we engage in our craft. Not just in terms of place, but where we are in our minds. Is it part of a journey? A calming ritual?…

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