I belong to a group on Ravelry for bloggers. The group owner had a great idea to host a Knit and Crochet Blog Week, and it is catching on!

I’m already planning my ideas for next week so I don’t miss a day. You all know I don’t blog every day as it is, so even doing it for one week will be a challenge for me. Still, I think the topics are interesting and I’m looking forward to writing.
The more the merrier! If you have a knitting or crochet blog, are a member of Ravelry, and would like to participate, check out this group: The Blog Hub. (What? You’re not a member of Ravelry? Well then, I’ll wait while you go sign up. Do it… now!)
I should have been in bed hours ago, but I have a sick boy and it’s been a stressful day. If he’s still feeling punky when he wakes up, we’ll be going to the pediatrician. Fun. It’ll be another “I’ll take a cup of coffee for each hand, please,” kind of day. Marv-O.
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