
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

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Saturday Snow Day

A peaceful, snowy day
A peaceful, snowy day

It’s the middle of the night here, but since I haven’t been to bed yet, it’s still Saturday to me and so I’m writing as if it is Saturday, even though it really isn’t. But that’s our secret, ok? Please don’t tell my mom that it’s 2:11 a.m. and I haven’t been to bed yet. I’ll never hear the end of it.

We awoke this morning to the promise of snow and a heavy gray sky. The sort of morning where the barometer in my joints was telling me that yes, it is going to snow. Guaranteed. And, we were not disappointed! The surprising thing, though, was that we got as much snow as we did, since they were only saying just a day or so ago that we could expect a scant two inches. It snowed all day and into the night, though, so I was actually surprised that we didn’t get more. In the end, I think we have about 7 inches on the ground here. But I suppose it could have been worse.

Thankfully everyone here was content to stay inside and watch movies or play with new Legos, because it was really too cold to do much playing outside. We were amused watching our cat run from window to window at breakneck speed, we think so she could check and see if it really was snowing outside of every window. She’s nearly 18 years old now and has never really been outside, except for maybe once, about 15 years ago, when she decided she wanted to see what snow was. For the most part, our other cat, Tegan, slept all day at my feet, as usual, which was fine by me. It was a good day for napping.

I spent several hours today finally watching Michael Jackson: This Is It and several of the video “extras” included on the Blu-Ray disc. Man, I was blown away! I had wanted desperately to see this movie in the theater when it came out, but never made it to see the movie. But, I was grateful for my flat screen TV and stereo speakers, which delivered an amazing view of the film. As I watched, I found myself becoming a bit sad, not for Michael Jackson, but for all the young people who were the dancers, and musicians, and the crew for this amazing show. I felt sad for them, for what was not to be. Then on the other hand, I was so grateful that those two cameras were on hand to document the rehearsals. I am betting that perhaps the actual concerts, if they had happened, would have been turned into a movie, and that maybe this stuff that was the movie would have been nothing more than an interesting aside.

Instead, even with the rough footage that was shot, what I saw was a real gem. The true talent of Michael Jackson came out, with his attention to every detail and the amazing technical artistry that was planned. And the dancing! Oh my, that was really something. If you haven’t seen this movie yet, even if you’re someone who doesn’t love Michael Jackson? It’s worth it. It is a truly amazing thing to watch, in bits and pieces that we, the public, rarely ever get to see.

I put on a pot of spaghetti sauce for dinner tonight so that the windows would get all foggy from the steam and it would feel extra warm in here on this cold day. It was good, too… and I have some leftovers for a day or so, but I’m going to cook something else tomorrow so I can steam up the house again. If the weather’s nice enough though, we may get dinner from Olive Garden as a celebration for the teen daughter, who just brought home another straight-A report card this weekend.

Tonight I watched Sleepless in Seattle and intended to get some knitting done, but for whatever reason that didn’t happen. I think I got too wrapped up in the romance! Why is it that I love that sappy, ridiculous movie so much? Ever since seeing that movie I’ve wanted to visit Seattle something awful, which makes NO sense at all, because going there would probably send my SAD into a total meltdown. I really do hate rain, so I imagine that the real Seattle would probably not be good for me except for short visits. But, in that silly little movie, even the rain looks all cuddly. Weird.

Ok so as you can tell by now, today was one of those days that was incredibly full of absolutely nothing. It was the sort of day I often wish for, and I guess the reason why I’ve put off going to bed this long is because I didn’t want it to end. Alas, the sleep is now overtaking my eyes, and I think I’ll sign off.

I hope that you, too, had a peaceful day.

Snowy Trees
Snowy Trees

2 responses to “Saturday Snow Day”

  1. Holly Avatar

    As I look out at your wonderful snowy visage, I am jealous. Rain here, dreary skies and a bit more rain hovering just about the freezing point.

    Snow is pretty, snow can be clean. Snow, when it reflects the sunlight gives a bit of an extra boost of light!

  2. Ruth in So. MD Avatar

    I made chili last Sat, too! It was the perfect food for the snowy weather. Today, though, I just made a hunk of bread. I’m over it. All of it.

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