If you’re a knitter, you know how it is with garter stitch. You knit and you knit and you knit, and after what seems like forever and miles of knitting? What have you got to show for it? Next to nothing, that’s what. Such was this week for me:

It’s all I’ve got, after knitting my fingers down to little nubs. A half inch. At this rate, my sweater will be done in about, oh, THREE YEARS! Nah. I swatched. The lace section goes a lot faster. At least I’m telling myself it does. (It does, right?)
Here’s to hoping I don’t lose the mojo. I’ve got a couple of events coming up over the next couple of weeks that should keep me excited about knitting. Next Saturday promises to be a day of knitting with friends, and then in TWO WEEKS, it’s the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. I go with Steve every year, and so far we’ve lucked out with decent weather each time. I’ve already made dinner reservations for The Melting Pot for that evening. Should be a great day all the way around.
Here’s to hoping I’ll have more to show next week!
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