Finally I have some progress to report on my daughter’s school spirit hat:

I managed to bind it off today! Tomorrow morning, before work, I will attempt to create the words, “Lady Hawks” in duplicate stitch. I’ll be using an alphabet chart from Sarah Bradberry’s site. I’ll follow the tutorial on the Purl Bee site, which seems amazingly clear and makes it look easy enough. Still, I am a bit nervous. I’ve never done duplicate stitch before, so wish me luck.
Tegan is fairly indifferent to my knitting apprehension:

But hopefully all will be well and there will be an FO report soon.
I’ve been having trouble focusing on blogging this week and I do apologize for that. But you see, I have a problem. It’s American Idol season, and for some reason I can’t turn my eyes from the sight of a train wreck. American Idol season usually means lots of knitting for me, though, so I’m going to have to squeeze the blogging in there somewhere!
And, so, wish me luck on the hat. We’re expecting a cold snap just in time for the Inauguration festivities, as per usual, and my daughter cold use a bit of warm woolly love on her noggin.
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