
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

Taste the Rainbow…

rainbow striped baby blanket in progressWell, this picture definitely shows why I absolutely hate photographing pink! The red in the pink really throws my camera off, and even when trying to correct in my photo program (Corel Paint Shop Pro XI), it still looks yucky and not quite right. But hey, you can see that in the last two weeks my little strip of a blankie about doubled in size. I have a looooong way to go! I am now wondering whether I can actually get it done in time for the recipient’s baby to be born. It’s a good thing that I have a 14-hour (each way) car ride coming up in August when we head to Florida. I sure hope that helps. I’m still enjoying the knitting, and I’m not bored yet, which is a good thing. Hopefully I can stick this one out to the end. I wish though, that I had done this with slightly larger needles… the teeny stitches are part of what is making this project take forever. Still, I think this blanket is going to be fun when it’s done.

I found out that the recipient is having a boy! Hopefully when it’s done the blue will even out with the pink and it won’t look so girly! Right now I’m planning also to attach an I-cord peace sign in the bottom corner. I’m calling this the “peace blanket.” I hope the recipient doesn’t call it, “weird!”

Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival is only a week away! Can anybody say “Yay!” with me?

More tomorrow, as it actually is almost tomorrow here. I’ve finally got lots to talk about. Stay tuned…

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