
…and a lot of other stuff, too!

Hat Progess!

The teal felted hat is growing larger

Hi, Gang! I can’t tell you how happy I am to be this far along on my cousin’s hat. This means it should be ready for felting by the weekend, given that I am to the crown section at last. Yay! I know I’ve mentioned, like, at least a thousand and three times how much I love the Fiber Trends AC-1 hat pattern, and that still holds true! Next time, I think I want to be adventurous and try the version with the flat brim. It looks glamourous and fun. I’m a bit disappointed in the way my camera is photographing the hat, though, because the colors are really lots more vivid than what you see here. When I’m done I’ll have to get a photo of Diane wearing it in natural light. I think it’s going to be pretty!

I’ve done quite a bit too much knit related shopping this week and I can’t wait for the UPS man to start rolling through the neighborhood. Sara, one of my co-monitors on the KnitTalk list, mentioned a sale at Cherry Tree Hill yarns. I’ve always wanted a hank or two of the Oceania yarn in my stash, so I got some while it was on sale. Two hanks, actually, so that’s enough to do a sweater for not-so-tiny me. Not saying that’s what I will do with it, given that I’ve never made a sweater in my LIFE, but I did by a new DVD from KnitPicks on top-down sweaters, and while I was at it, the one on entrelac hats and bags. We’ll see how I like those!

Anyway, so that’s where I am this week in the world of knitting; I’m excited to be getting back into it again. More next time…

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