On April 7, The Yarn Harlot visited the Borders in Annapolis as part of her latest book tour. I was lucky enough to go and to get a great seat. Here are my pics from this unforgettable evening.
To view a larger image with more details, click on the thumbnail in the gallery. To see the full size image, click on the image from its own info page.
crowd shot
Another Crowd Shot
Genia Surveys the Crowd
The Harlot Arrives!
Stephanie takes the sock shot
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
In line for book signing
Stephanie signs my books
Stephanie photographs me with my first sock
Stephanie and Trish trade socks